Wednesday 1 December 2010


Hi Everyone,

I am sorry for the lack of news on here of late. But if your reading this then you already know that my other half (Shane) Has not been well for a few months, He found out in Sept that he had Diabetes which we thought was not good but we would cope with it.

Then the Endoscopy that was booked as he had trouble swallowing revealed a tumour which was immediately diagnosed as cancer of the oesphagus(food pipe) As they werent able to get past the tumour he was admitted to hospital a few days later where the C.T. scans showed it was also in the liver, lungs and lymphnodes.

I was told by the Macmillan nurses he would be lucky to see Christmas!!!
SHock and horror as if you saw him in June this year he was 6ft and 18 stone and working 7 days a week!! He now weighed 9 stone.

Over these past two weeks and after 15 YEARS together we were married on 17th November
Shanes wish (I just wish we had done it 15 years ago) on the 18th November we were called into hospital as shane had had pains in his legs and couldnt walk he was Diagnosed with DVT a massive clot that had moved to his Main Artery in his groin. He refused to go into hospital and I took on the role as Wife, Carer and Nurse.

ON SATURDAY THE 27TH November I called an Ambulance as he was in Serious trouble, The Ambulancemen took us both to hospital (another story about me but we wont go into it now)
and they treated him for his major problems. My Son Kris and Myself left the hospital at 8.30pm and were asked to go back at 12.30 am WE finally got to hold Shanes hand at 3am Sunday Morning and let him go from all the pain at 3.55am .

MY HUSBAND OF 11 DAys had passed away but he will always be with me I am so Empty and sad But knew it would be an easier way to tell everyone at once what happened as once I re-open the shop it will make it easier than to keep explaining.

I will be back to work once we have had the cremation as it will be my Solice (all I have to keep going apart from my Close friends and family ) Thanks to you all for the past dreadful months .

Take care and please watch the weather I hope to see you all soon. Sue and Family xx


mary said...

I'm so very sorry Sue. Thinking of you. Love Mary

Jackie said...

Sue I am sorry, if theres anything I can do let me know.

Thinking of you and sending you big hugs

Jackie xx

Unknown said...

Sue, am so sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking of you lots, look after yourself. See you in the New Year. Love Brenda & Richard XX

Crafty Sue said...

Thank you all for these lovely comments look forward to seeing you all soon
Sue xx